
$show=home$Over Solut

Solut, strategische groeipartner en expert in personeelszaken van A tot Z op maat van KMO’s. From Hire to Fire: Rekrutering & Assessment, Sociale Audit en Personeelsadvies, Personeelsadministratie en Payroll, Team- & Management Coaching, Interim HR management, Opleiding & Advies en Individuele Loopbaanbegeleiding. Solut ontzorgt je van de personeelstaken, om tijd en geld te besparen, met gemotiveerde werknemers.



Serge, Manager Proximus

Mireille first took time to discuss with me, to well understand my needs and the open functions. She had quickly acquired the context and what I was looking for. Very important in order to be efficient in the interview. Very good assessment of the soft skills of the candidates and good analyses and recommendation in the context of the open position. She was very complimentary to my part of the interview. Highly appreciated. She took up her accountability, and took all necessary actions to close quickly the case.











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Solut Passion for HR: Serge, Manager Proximus
Serge, Manager Proximus
Solut Passion for HR
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